Boarding with Old Maple Farm

  • Freedom to Choose

    The Old Maple horses are given choice to move around throughout the day. They have a large paddock with access to stalls, fresh water and plenty of feed.

    We believe this amount of freedom helps to calm the horses and allows them to relax when they are not working. Horses can choose to run, roll or nap in the sun anytime they wish.

    We don’t have issues with horses chewing fences, weaving, pacing or cribbing.

    We think the freedom to choose has something to do with that.

  • Plenty of Forage

    In 2021, Old Maple Farm received grant funding from the State of Vermont to implement an intensive rotational grazing prgram. This is good for the horses, good for the soil and good for the grass. We are on track to make fencing improvements to ensure sustainable grazing.

    In 2022, we decided to vaccinate the herd to protect against botulism which allows us to feed out dry round bales.

    Horses can graze freely throughout the day as needed. Feeding round bales also helps keep our costs down, so board stays affordable.

  • Life with Friends

    Old Maple horses live in a herd. We are intentionally small to minimize disruption and to ensure we have plentiful pasture in the summer. Since we don’t have many horses coming and going, this also creates a relatively stable herd, reducing stress and minimizing transitions.

    Horses are turned out 24/7 either in their shared paddock or, when possible, out on the pastures. We have two stalls and a run-in area where the horses can shelter as needed.

    We do not offer full stall board except in the case of injury or quarantine.